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REINITIALISE would like to enhance Early Stage Researchers’ involvement in the mutual transfer of knowledge process currently on going among the University Marie Curie Skłodowska, KU Leuven and the University of Macerata.

To this end, Early Stage Researchers from the above-mentioned universities are invited to attend the REINITIALISE Academic Symposium “The actual boundaries of e-health: ethical, legal, and technological issues” that will be held online on April 29, 2021 and to present an elevator pitch on research topics linked to the symposium’s general themes, that are:

  • Ethical aspects of AI, digital media, e-health
  • Legal aspects of AI, digital media, e-health
  • Socio-economic aspects of AI, digital media, e-health
  • Technological aspects of AI, digital media, e-health

More specifically, Early Stage Researchers are invited to present their ongoing or prospective research interests and activities, provided that they are connected to a theme addressed by the project, in the form of an elevator pitch of maximum 3 minutes.

Elevator pitches are a form of presentation where ideas are presented in a very compact way, focusing on the main aspects of an idea. The audience should quickly understand the core of the idea.

Why you should reply to this call:

  • This is an opportunity for for expanding your international networks, with potential further benefits in terms of enhancing your career.
  • This is an opportunity for improving your research capacity, by establishing new international and interdisciplinary forms of collaboration on a very innovative topic both with other Early Stage Researchers and with experienced researchers.

Further information on the themes covered by the REINITIALISE project can be found in the project brochure and in the project website.

The program of the Academic Symposium can be found HERE.

Link to join the Symposium

The template for the slide presentation (mandatory) can be downloaded HERE . Please also take into account the instructions that you can find HERE.

Submit your pitch HERE

Important dates

Deadline for registration to Pitch Elevator, application and submission of slides: 25th April 2021

Notification of acceptance to applicants: 27th April 2021

Pitch Elevator: 29th April 2021 (6-7pm)

Please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Benedetta Giovanola ( for more information.