Our first staff visit under REINITIALISE has just been organized. Natalia Kamińska from International Cooperation Center at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin – UMCS visited KU Leuven last week. The purpose of the visit was to fet to know how grant office of KUL is organized, how the cooperation with departments looks like and what kind of services theis center offers. Moreover Natalia took part in international staff week: “Research managers and administrators’ visit to KU Leuven”, organized by KU Leuven EU-team.
From Monday October 3rd until Wednesday October 5th 2022, the study visit is part of the event
“Research managers and administrators’ visit to KU Leuven”, organized by KU Leuven EU-team.
KU Leuven welcomed research managers and administrators to exchange best practices. The team
introduced to their approaches towards international research funding support, project and
financial management, and the new challenges for RMAs: compliance with open access, research
data management and ethics & research integrity.
Then, on Thursday 6th the meeting was organized with The International Office of Group T Leuven Campus, on Friday 7th there were two visits organized. First one was dedicated to European University’s Alliance, UNA Europa. Experts from KUL shared their experience in implementing the project under Erasmus+ instrument. The last visit was organized in Industrial Research Funds Office.
The whole programme is available below.