University of Macerata has organized in the wonderful setting of the bay of Portonovo (AN), the 2nd showcase event, aimed to tell successful cooperation experiences with the local socio-economic actors and other positive initiatives in the sector of digital technologies for the e-health services. The event will provide UMCS with useful inputs concerning how to link research excellence to the business community needs. The showcase will take place on June the 15th, it is part of a 3-day meeting and will count on the participation of the local socio-economic actors, such as the Digital Innovation Hub, a cooperative society, local enterprises, and an Institute of Health Care, as reported in… Read More
Continue ReadingWe started the mobility programme of Early Stage Researchers!
We started activities under the mobility program for young scientists. Classes and consultations take place in the Polo Didattico D. Pantaleoni building of the University of Macerata. The university functions in historic and modern buildings scattered throughout the city. Łukasz Kowalski from Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie cooperates with local scientists. Below a few words from Filip Postępski, who is in KU Leuven, Belgium. “On the first week of my stay in Belgium at KU Leuven I had a great opportunity to meet Professor Bart Vanrumste, his associates and PhD students of Group T Campus. I made a speech on introduction to EEG and told listeners about my current research… Read More
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Joint scientific workshops in hybrid mode- 9-11 May 2022
On Monday, we are starting with a hybrid event at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism in Lublin. The scientific workshop is entitled: New technologies in the process of social inclusion (in the context or health communication and active aging). On Tuesday, hybrid scientific workshops will be held at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences. The title of the meeting is: E-health applications and EEG analysis. The meeting schedule includes speeches by Hannelore Strauven, Andrzej Juros, Piotr Schneider and Anna Gajos-Balińska. On Wednesday the workshop conducted by department of Sociology will take place.
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Mobility programme of senior researchers- 2nd flow
We are in the middle of implementation of the Mobility programme of senior researchers. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin – UMCS is currently hosting prof. Bart Vanrumste from the Faculty of Engineering Technology of KU Leuven. He cooperates with researchers from the Institute of Computer Science. Keeping fingers crossed for a fruitful cooperation! Fot. dr Adam Kobus
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A series of workshops with international experts- 2nd Intensive Training Course
From March 7th, workshops on transversal skills will be organized. The activity is implemented under REINITIALISE “Protecting fundamental rights when using digital technologies for eHealth services” project. The trainings will be conducted by prominent experts from the participating universities- the University of Macerata and the Catholic University of Leuven, as well as by external experts. The Intensive Training Course is aimed both to the research staff, including Young Researchers, as well as the University administrative staff supporting researchers in the implementation of projects. The application form can be found below: Registration Form The events will be held online, at the MS Teams platform. Workshops will be held in English. We provide… Read More
Continue Reading3rd workshop on Eu project management and design “Logical framework”
The 3rd Workshop on EU project management and design titled “The logical framework” will be held on-line on 1st April 2022. At the end of the training session participants Are expected to know what the essential elements composing the logical structure of a project are Are expected to be able design a project concept note Are expected to be able to ensure coherence between the requirements of the call and the project concept note Trainers: Dr. Claudio Carlone, from Eurocentro srl, expert with many years of experience in the implementation of EU-funded research projects, and Barbara Chiucconi, Head of Grant office at the University of Macerata, Italy. Download the programme… Read More
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3rd Project Meeting
The 3rd Project Meeting of #Reinitialise project has just took place! During two days of intensive, fruitful discussions about the project implementation and upcoming activities we had a chance to meet online with project participants as well as members of Innovation Board and external Members o Scientific Board. We would like to thank everyone for active participation!
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Mobility program for Early Stage Researchers in the field of e-health
Young researchers!We encourage you to apply in the open call for proposals in the mobility program implemented within the framework of the REINITIALISE project. If you are: A Young Researcher*.Your research interests include one or more of the following in the area of ehealth:– ethical and legal principles that might steer the design of ehealth applications;– how the communication on health on the digital media impacts on individuals’ freedom of choice and can generate self-deception mechanisms;– economic and social impact and consequences of the technological innovation in e-health that should orient AI and machine learningapply in the REINITIALISE project fellowship program, where you can conduct research under the guidance of… Read More
Continue ReadingScientific workshops at UNIMC
We are pleased to invite you to the scientific workshops covering the research themes of the project. The workshops will be held during the period of mobility of UMCS staff senior researchers at the premises of UNIMC. More info can be found in the scientific workshops agenda.
Continue ReadingWe invite you to our stand during the Lublin Science Festival Picnic
On the 19th of September between 10:00 and 14:00 you can meet our project team during the Science Picnic organised as part of the Lublin Science Festival. Meet us at Teatralny Square in front of the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin. In the programme: 10:00 opening of the stand, announcement of the contest for the best selfie related to the project theme11:00 presentation of the project (approx. 10-15 min)12:00 presentation of the project (approx. 10-15 min)13:00 end of accepting answers from contestants14:00 announcement of the results of the contests and presentation of awards As part of the event you can participate in a competition for the best… Read More
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