Venture Labs- summary of the first phase of meetings

We have just completed the first phase of Venture Lab meetings, during which UMCS scientists presented their research ideas that will be implemented with partners from the third-parties sector! Thanks to the involvement of international team of experts (KUL and UNIMC), scientists and other participants ( members of Innovation Board), we were able to develop interesting solutions that we will use in further work. Venture Labs meetings aim to develop a range of innovative business ideas and start-up proposals developed jointly by scientists and local stakeholders using their entrepreneurial potential and ability to integrate digital technologies with ethical and social aspects. Below you will find information about the meetings within… Read More

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The Winter School on innovation has just been organized!

Another event bringing together the world of external stakeholders and academics is behind us. On 28.11-02.12, our University was visited by Partners from UNIMC and KUL, who, together with our scientific staff, talked about good practices in the implementation of joint activities in the group of so-called external stakeholders. After the Lunch & Learn Event, the Winter School is another activity integrating the scientific community, local government, business, support institutions and the socio-economic environment, the aim of which is joint learning, exchange of experiences and cooperation of communities based on the knowledge of our partners. Below you can fid the programme of the event:

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Stationary workshop for staff and doctoral students of the UMCS!

On 7-8 November, the Institute of Social Communication and Media Sciences was visited by some of the best specialists in applying for and implementing European projects. Barbara Chiucconi from the University of Macerata and Dr Claudio Carolone from Eurocentro Srl provided practical knowledge on how to prepare applications for the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme during a two-day workshop. Training topics included: The experts’ visit is linked to the implementation of the project ‘Protecting fundamental rights when using digital technologies in e-health services’ (REINITIALISE) at the Institute. The project focuses on digital technologies in the health sector and, in particular, on health-promoting technologies to support active ageing and preventive care… Read More

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Lunch and learn events- meetings between external stakeholders and project staff

As part of REINITIALISE, the Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at UMCS organised meetings on 27, 28 September and 25 October, bringing together the scientific, business and social communities with the common goal of supporting services in the field of e-health. The extremely valuable exchange of knowledge and experience serves to raise the level of scientific excellence and increase capacity in the design and use of digital technologies in the health sector, as well as integrating the potential of technologies with an awareness of their ethical, legal and socio-economic dimensions. The next stage will be joint excellence in the 2022 Winter School organised in November/December and the Venture Lab… Read More

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Winter School- invitation

As part of the REINITIALISE project, you are cordially invited to: Winter SchoolFaculty of Political Science and Journalism, Lublin, Głęboka 45 Street28 November 2022 – 2 December 2022 organised within the framework of the REINITIALISE project in cooperation with the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium and the University of Macerata and Eurocentro, Italy. For more information: After the Lunch & Learn Event, the Winter School is another activity integrating the scientific community, local government, business, support institutions and the socio-economic environment, aiming at joint learning, exchange of experiences and cooperation of communities based on the knowledge of our partners. The school programme is attached below Contact:Wioletta Ostrowska, MAe-mail: wioletta.ostrowska@umcs.plphone:… Read More

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Second International Cooperation Center Staff Visit at University of Macerata!

Our 2nd short term visit under Reinitialise has just been finalized. Diana Szczepańska from International Cooperation Center at UMCS took part in 5-days visit at the University of Macerata. During these days she had a chance to visit different facilities at the University supporting researchers in project’s implementation. She also took part in job shadowing at the Grant Office. On the first day she participated to Accent workshop. Accent “Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurial Excellence in Higher Education Institutes” is a project that has received funding from the European Union’s EIT HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education under Grant Agreement No 10047.  UNIMC and UMCS are both partners of… Read More

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First International Cooperation Center Staff Visit at KU Leuven!

Our first staff visit under REINITIALISE has just been organized. Natalia Kamińska from International Cooperation Center at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin – UMCS visited KU Leuven last week. The purpose of the visit was to fet to know how grant office of KUL is organized, how the cooperation with departments looks like and what kind of services theis center offers. Moreover Natalia took part in international staff week: “Research managers and administrators’ visit to KU Leuven”, organized by KU Leuven EU-team. From Monday October 3rd until Wednesday October 5th 2022, the study visit is part of the event“Research managers and administrators’ visit to KU Leuven”, organized by KU Leuven… Read More

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We are glad to invite you to the next workshop with international experts in the field of project management and design in EU framework programs. On November 7-8th, the Institute of Social Communication and Media Sciences will host a full-time workshop on: Structure of the project budget Analysis of an application form and tips for grant writing excellence, impact and implementation The series of trainings is aimed at both researchers experienced in submitting European grants, as well as researchers new to this area, and especially doctoral students of UMCS. The workshop will be led by REINITIALISE project partners: Barbara Chiucconi: head of the Grants Office at the University of Macerata.… Read More

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Mobility programme of Early Stage Researchers

Our Mobility program for Early Stage Researchers is ongoing! PhD student from Wydział Politologii i Dziennikarstwa UMCS, Instytut Nauk o Komunikacji Społecznej i Mediach UMCS, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie – mgr Joanna Kukier is currently at the KU Leuven as part of the #Reinitilase project. Joanna collaborates with professor Jannique van Uffelen from Faculty of Movement Sciences and Rehabilitation. They work together on an interdisciplinary project. Check out also some words from Piotr, who is currently during his mobility programme in KUL: Hello Everyone, My name is Piotr, and I am a PhD student from Poland. Thanks to the #Reinitialise Project, I went to Belgium and now I’m in… Read More

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4th Project Meeting in Portonovo

The 4th project meeting will take place on June 16th, during a 3-day event organized by University of Macerata in the wonderful setting of the bay of Portonovo (AN). The project meeting will be an occasion to have a fruitful discussions about the project implementation and upcoming activities. The meeting will be an hybrid event where we will have the chance to meet online and in presence with project participants as well as members of Innovation Board and external Members of the Scientific Board. Major information of the 3-day meeting could be found in the relative agenda.

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