Zakończyliśmy właśnie pierwszą fazę spotkań Venture Lab, podczas której naukowcy z UMCS zaprezentowali swoje pomysły badawcze, które będą realizowane z partnerami z sektora zewnętrznego!

Dzięki zaangażowaniu międzynarodowego zespołu ekspertów (KUL oraz UNIMC), naukowców i uczestników programu (Rada Innowacji) udało się wypracować ciekawe rozwiązania, które będziemy wykorzystywać w dalszych pracach.

Spotkania w ramach Venture Labs mają na celu wypracowanie szeregu innowacyjnych pomysłów biznesowych i propozycji start-upowych opracowanych wspólnie przez naukowców i lokalnych interesariuszy z wykorzystaniem ich potencjału przedsiębiorczości i umiejętności integrowania technologii cyfrowych z aspektami etycznymi i społecznymi.

Poniżej znajdą Państwo informacje na temat spotkań w ramach tej aktywności w naszym projekcie:

Meeting no#DayParticipantsOutputsRemarks
101.02.2023– BioMinds -The company has created a therapeutic and telemedical system BioMinds XR, – Girache – technology to back support – Pentacomp – software – Lublin Medicine Cluster – Lublin University of Technology – Technology Transfer Centre Medical University in LublinBioMinds – create new features with usage of EEG during training with VR Girache – analysis of signal from their sensor Pentacomp – create new feature with AI usage to help medicine doctors to catch proper images during ultrasonographyVenture Lab organized by Institute of Computer Sciences at Uni-Lublin
203.02.2023– Lublin City Hall – Department of Health and Prevention – Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin – Representatives of the University of the Third Age and NGO’s – Lublin Disability Organisations Forum – Lublin Medicine Cluster– research on social groups in terms of the use of e-health services, and health-promoting services in general – research on the impact of prevention campaigns – research into the needs of 60+ people and people with special needs – provision of data for the development of communication tools – development of motivational programmes for doctors – geriatricians – cooperation with the Health Department of the City Hall in sociological research on different types of health needs – cooperation in the development of prevention programmes possible cooperation with hospitals in the field of research – the usage of participatory methods based on anthropological approach. In medical settings it could imply: –  “following the patient” type of research – ethnographic fieldwork conducted in the medical setting – diagnosing the usage of the facility and the existing barriers and issues in practices of care – ethnographic interviews with staff and other interested parties.Venture Lab organized by Sociology at Uni-Lublin
306.02.2023Primum Auxilium Fundation Lublin Medicine Cluster  – research into community groups for first aid campaigns – research into motivation – why we don’t give, what makes us decide or what would make us decide, what to do to get people involved – social companies supporting and motivating people to give aid – safety aspects including data security – legal, social aspects of using the app, transferring data to the producer, security, reading information and regulations before clicking, risks – training – creating a media message to different audiences – pilot studies of first aid applications – first aid training in universities – pilot programmeVenture Lab organized by Institute of Political Sciences at Uni-Lublin
407.02.2023Lublin City Hall – Department of Health and Prevention Representatives of the University of the Third Age and NGO’s  – research with seniors on their needs, expectations and problems in using e-health tools – seeking and applying for external funding (in cooperation with local institutions) to provide training/courses/workshops on improving media and e-health competences – organising meetings (training courses) on how to recognise and deal with fake news and misinformation in the field of health and e-health – cooperation with local institutions to produce media content on health and e-health – courses on crisis communication in the face of a pandemic  Venture Lab organized by Institute of Social Communication and Media Sciences at Uni-Lublin

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